2012年7月25日 星期三

GIA 觀自在:認識地球上的藝術家, 藝術作品: Chinese Talk - Ma Sing Ling - Form of Unity/Land o...

GIA 觀自在:認識地球上的藝術家, 藝術作品: Chinese Talk - Ma Sing Ling - Form of Unity/Land o...:

Chinese Talk - Ma Sing Ling - Form of Unity/Land of Ease

Form of Unity/Land of Ease‧My Mind Is as Clear as the Mountains
Acrylic on Canvas 2012
100 X 100cm

The I Ching (Wade-Giles) or "Yì4 Jīng" (pinyin), also known as the Classic of Changes, Book of Changes and Zhouyi, is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts.(I-Ching , Wikipedia)

Chinese use "Yi4易" for describing things change, and for things go easily. In Ma-Sing-Ling's work, Form of Unity/Land of Ease, we can always see a little house located in the corner, which symbolizes the life we have could be very easy, even it changes all the time.
Chinese people tend to enjoy nature and bring the spirit from nature into material life.  
In this way, the spiritual and physical life could achieve a balance.
Ma-Sing-Ling, a new collaborative working team comprised of three young promising artists in Taiwan: MANIHOO, Singway and Ling Ling. (More details of the group)

Form of Unity/Land of Ease‧Clouds Dance Wonder and Bring in Fortune
Acrylic on Canvas 2012
103 X 103cm




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