2012年12月25日 星期二

GIA 觀自在:認識地球上的藝術家, 藝術作品 [Gia's freeway to explore artists, artworks of This]: Time Past, And Perfectly Perfect (artwork by 李善單 L...

Time Past, And Perfectly Perfect (artwork by 李善單 Lee Sun Don)

 Time Past - Marilyn Crispell

“You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.”
― Annie Dillard 

Wonderful Attainment / Perfectly Perfect/2012, Oil on Canvas, 200x100cm (100F) 
Artist: 李善單Lee Sun Don, The series of works are now exhibited at X-Power Gallery, Taipei

Master Lee Sun Don李善單 , Artist & Art Director of Art Revolution Taipei (A.R.T)

Special Programs of 2013 A.R.T.:
2‧ Thus, the Zen style leaves its path
3‧ Meeting the Masters & The Greats Meet the Greats
4‧ International Art Competition
5‧ A parallel exhibition of the "Masters' Masterpieces" and by the Osti Art Gallery

Annie Dillard (born April 30, 1945) is an American author, best known for her narrative prose in both fiction and non-fiction. She has published works of poetry, essays, prose, and literary criticism, as well as two novels and one memoir. Her 1974 work Pilgrim at Tinker Creek won the 1974 Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction. Dillard taught for 21 years in the English department of Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut. (Wikipedia Info.)




33-吉祥如意觀音 若有眾生能閉身語意業,則觀世音菩薩即予是人一切如意; 若有眾生能行戒定慧行,則觀世音菩薩即授無量吉祥。 圖片攝于2020.4.18 第一次去澎湖旅遊時下飛機也發生過眼睛突然看不見了,兩三天的旅行看過醫生,也無解。 醫生說有碰過這樣的案例,可能空氣裡的海鹽太濃,...