2007年12月8日 星期六

Nina Simone: Here Comes the Sun

Nina Simone: Here Comes the Sun

妮娜.西蒙(nina simone)是美國人權運動時期重要的女歌手,她的聲音低沈沙啞充滿個人特色,作品風格含跨百老匯,流行,爵士,藍調,福音詩歌等類型,嗓音沙啞磁性且 富深沉的情感,唱腔永遠都有強烈的靈魂歌曲色彩,歌曲律動與節奏全在歌聲中豐富表現,充滿飽滿的情緒。妮娜.西蒙畢業於茱莉亞音樂學院,是當時少見的黑人 女性鋼琴手,歌聲之外,她的鋼琴演奏同樣不應錯過。

Here comes the sun little darling
Here comes the sun I say, its all right, its all right
(Repeat 1)
Little darling its been a long cold and lonely winter, little darling it feels like years since you've been here
Little darling the smiles have returned to the faces now little darling it seems like years since you've been here
Little darling its been a long cold lonely winter, little darling it feels like years since you've been here
Here somes the sun, arent you glad to see it, I say its all right
Here comes the sun little darling, I say Its alright
Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun I say Little Darling, it seems like years since you've been here
Little darling here comes the sun, its all right
You can come on out




33-吉祥如意觀音 若有眾生能閉身語意業,則觀世音菩薩即予是人一切如意; 若有眾生能行戒定慧行,則觀世音菩薩即授無量吉祥。 圖片攝于2020.4.18 第一次去澎湖旅遊時下飛機也發生過眼睛突然看不見了,兩三天的旅行看過醫生,也無解。 醫生說有碰過這樣的案例,可能空氣裡的海鹽太濃,...