2007年11月12日 星期一

Master Lee Sun-Don Gallery Grand Opening Reception Review – Oriental Picasso of the 21st Century

幾個網頁介紹來自台灣By Master Lee Sun-Don的油畫圖騰
Master Lee Sun-Don Gallery Grand Opening Reception Review – Oriental Picasso of the 21st Century

By Brooke Adams

Master Lee Sun-Don - a Taiwan-born writer, music composer, and incredibly talented painter - incorporates the teachings of Buddha into his artistry and showcased this in his most recent gallery opening, October 4, 2007. Through a delicate balance of color, symbolism, whimsical creativity and precision, Master Lee transfers his own mental and physical energy into a sort of metaphoric storytelling. In his paintings, Master Lee illustrates a path to enlightenment and captures the Zen of art.

Master Lee Sun-Don Gallery Grand Opening Reception Review – Oriental Picasso of the 21st Century



夢境實錄實錄又ㄧ篇 意識列印機

意識列印機 看到人的腦袋意識畫面是可以列印出來的。 這個夢境很長,從三毛講述夢駝林世界開始,我的意識是鮮明的,再到金庸小說裡的大漠英雄傳,看到很多美麗的風景,然後我走入那個世界,像電影般…直到我遇到影后柯淑勤待機拍戲中。 她跟我說出版社送我的那套電子光碟書, 第二本(光碟片)有一...